FF Global Partners LLC助力Faraday Future完成1.35亿美元融资

 2023-02-06 发布人:互联网
以满足FF 91 Futurist SOP资金需求FF Global Partners LLC("FFGP"),创始股东以及前任和现任Faraday Future管理层拥有的合伙企业,帮助Faraday Future完成...

  以满足FF 91 Futurist SOP资金需求

  FF Global Partners LLC("FFGP"),创始股东以及前任和现任Faraday Future管理层拥有的合伙企业,帮助Faraday Future完成1.35亿美元融资,预计会满足FF 91 Futurist开始量产("SOP")的资金需求

  洛杉矶2023年2月6日 /美通社/ -- 由创始股东和Faraday Future("FF","FFIE","公司")前任和现任核心管理层组成的合伙人公司FF Global Partners LLC("FFGP")今天宣布,在FFGP的帮助下,FFIE于2023年2月3日完成了1.35亿美元的融资(包括其中一家投资人此前预付的1000万美元),以及对之前FF原始担保融资协议中认股权证条款中一项主要条款的修正。本轮融资仍受限于某些条件,包括该笔融资的一部分金额需要获得公司股东批准和适用票据所涉股份的有效登记声明,本轮融资来自于FFGP促成的FFIE现有和新的投资人,为极智科技奢华的FF 91 Futurist在3月份的SOP提供了足够的资金。

  此外,公司将会在2023年2月28日召开特别股东大会,以对Faraday Future A类普通股的增发提议进行审议。如果该项提议被Faraday Future股东批准,将会为FF 91 Futurist的SOP和其他公司战略目标的达成彻底扫清障碍。

  为满足FF 91 Futurist 未来产能爬坡的资金需求,FFGP 已同意使用其实益拥有的所有股份进行投票,以支持即将举行FFIE特别股东大会提案。


  在过去的一年里,FFGP 以牺牲自身的经济利益和其他权益为代价,成功地吸引和确定了投资人,以帮助稳定FF公司的基本面,并专注于股东利益最大化和公司的未来发展。

  FFGP 认为,作为由创始团队和主要管理团队成员组成的FF公司主要股东,他们的持续贡献将使FF公司能够在最近取得的积极业务进展的基础上为未来发展奠定更好的基础,例如董事会重组、FFGP协助获得的关键融资,以及公司在中美两地的积极业务进展等。FFGP坚信这些积极的变革将会帮助FF各项业务进入良性发展的轨道,并解决了自上市以来困扰FFIE的顶层治理问题。 由公司现任和前任核心管理人员组成的FFGP全球合伙人团队,拥有为公司提供关键支持和指导所需的坚定承诺和关键知识,帮助FF公司短期、中期和长期目标的实现并确保最终的成功。

  FF Global Partners是由来自人工智能、互联网、IT、汽车等不同专业领域的FF核心管理层成员组成的"未来主义者联盟",他们拥有共同愿景和价值观。我们的治理架构很大程度上参考了阿里巴巴模式——所有合伙人共同创业、共同拥有、共享风险、共同治理,共同对FF行使顶层决策权。这是行之有效的行业最佳实践,在公司文化、治理结构和人才体系等方面为FF提供了独特的竞争优势。所有合伙人都代表公司的真正利益。


  This communication shall neither constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, nor shall there be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which the offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to the registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. This communication is not a solicitation of proxies in connection with any matter to be voted upon by stockholders.


  This press release includes "forward looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this press release, the words "estimates," "projected," "expects," "anticipates," "forecasts," "plans," "intends," "believes," "seeks," "may," "will," "should," ""future," "propose", "potential" and variations of these words or similar expressions (or the negative versions of such words or expressions) are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, conditions or results, and involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are outside the control of FF Top, that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Important factors, among others, that may affect actual results or outcomes include the Company's ability to satisfy the conditions precedent and close on the various financings referred to in this press release, the failure of any which could result in the Company seeking protection under the Bankruptcy Code; the failure of the conditions to the full implementation of FF Top's governance agreement with the Company to be satisfied and other factors. The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and FF Top does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.





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