
 2024-06-04 发布人:F&L Asia







  • 根据国际能源署2023年的一份报告,数据中心运营和数据传输网络各占全球电力消耗的1%至1.5%。随着对数字解决方案日益增长的需求,这一数字预计将在未来几年呈指数级增长。1要可持续地运营数据中心,高效冷却是关键。

  • 作为电动汽车润滑油和润滑液供应商的全球领导者,嘉实多在为数据中心客户提供下一代浸没式冷却液服务和支持方面具有独特的地位。

  •  作为其2024年推出的新“向前、向上、向前”战略的一部分,嘉实多已将数据中心冷却解决方案确定为一个新的增长机会,并致力于成为领先数据中心客户的首选液冷合作伙伴。


  • 2024年5月28日,嘉实多在其位于英国的潘本全球技术中心推出了“MegaPod”,这是一个浸入式冷却数据中心的复制品。



  •  MegaPod是英国石油公司在英国投资5000万英镑(6000万美元)建设一个新的、最先进的电动汽车电池测试中心和分析实验室的一部分。

  • 它将用于向客户展示浸没式冷却液如何有效降低服务器温度,并有助于加快采用浸没式冷却,以实现更高效、更可持续的数据中心运营。嘉实多将共同设计解决方案,帮助客户使用能源,并提供端到端的数据中心热管理服务:包括浸入式冷却产品和服务,如设计、分析,以及通过其全球技术中心网络进行的测试和验证。


  • 浸没冷却涉及使用具有非常低电导率的介电流体,使得电气设备能够浸没在流体中而不会对设备造成任何损坏。

  • 泵在服务器周围移动液体,带走主板、CPU、GPU、RAM等关键组件的多余热量。热量储存在液体中,并转移到热交换器中,在热交换器中热量被转移出设备进行冷却或废热回收,并可根据循环原理重复使用。2

  • 这种方法将电气系统保持在最佳温度范围内,以确保快速有效地散热,同时为设备提供额外的保护。2

  •  提供浸没式冷却解决方案符合嘉实多的PATH360可持续发展框架,该框架旨在减少能源、废物和水,并支持嘉实多商业客户实现其可持续发展目标。


  • 嘉实多发现的挑战无法通过一个单独的实体来解决。认识到这一事实,嘉实多ON正在建立有凝聚力、协调一致的合作伙伴关系,以加快创新并提供互利的解决方案,解决现实世界中的问题。

  • 这一点从我们与bp网络的原有联系一直延伸到我们与大学、制造商和客户的新合作伙伴关系。

  • 这种三方方法意味着嘉实多经过优化,可以加速创新,推动硬件和工程工作,并最终解决客户的挑战。2

  • 嘉实多在这一领域的合作伙伴包括:




  1. 数据中心和网络-国际能源署

  2. 嘉实多宣传册:《沉浸在创新中:数据中心冷却的未来》


On 28 May 2024, Castrol inaugurated its new ‘Liquid Cooling Centre of Excellence’ at Pangbourne, Berkshire, UK, in the presence of key customers, eco-system partners and industry stakeholders. Delegates at the event heard from industry experts, thought leaders, Castrol technologists and partners about the key challenges faced by the IT industry, immersion cooling solutions for data centres, existing eco-system partnerships, and participated in a guided tour of the new facilities.

At the event, Castrol introduced its new thought leadership campaign for data centres and the new research it has commissioned to showcase the impact immersion cooling is set to have on the data centre industry. The Castrol research seeks to highlight how the transition to immersion cooling will facilitate the data centre of the future. The findings from the research will be available later this year.


Why data centre cooling?

  •  According to a 2023 report from the International Energy Agency, data centre operations, together with the data transmission networks, are each responsible for between 1 to 1.5% of global electricity consumption. This number is expected to grow exponentially over the next few years in line with the increasing demand for digital solutions.1 To operate data centres sustainably, efficient cooling is key.

  •  As a global leader in lubricants and supplier of fluids for electric vehicles, Castrol is uniquely positioned to serve and support data centre customers with the next generation of immersion cooling fluids.

  • As part of its new ‘Onward, Upward, Forward’ strategy launched in 2024, Castrol has identified data centre cooling solutions as a new growth opportunity and aims to be the liquid cooling partner of choice for leading data centre customers.

Castrol MegaPod

  • On 28 May 2024, Castrol unveiled the ‘MegaPod’, a replica of an immersion cooled data centre, at its Pangbourne global technology centre in the UK.

    -The MegaPod has two immersion tanks each with a capability to dissipate up to 50kW of heat load. Having two tanks enables simultaneous testing for two different fluids.

    -The MegaPod enables Castrol to conduct fluid research and development, IT hardware testing and validation and demonstration of immersion cooling technology.

  • The MegaPod is part of bp’s £50 million ($60 million) investment in a new, state-of-the-art electric vehicle (EV) battery testing centre and analytical laboratory in the UK.

  • It will be used to showcase customers how immersion fluids are effective in reducing server temperatures and help accelerate the adoption of immersion cooling for more efficient and more sustainable data centre operations. Castrol will co-engineer solutions to help customers with their energy usage and offer an end-to-end data centre thermal management offer: including immersion cooling products and services, such as design, analytics and well as testing and validation via its global network of technology centres.

How immersion cooling works  

  • Immersion cooling involves the use of dielectric fluids which have very low electrical conductivity enabling electrical equipment to be submerged in the fluid without causing any damage to the equipment.

  • The pumps move the liquid around the server, taking excess heat away from its key components – the motherboard, CPUs, GPUs, RAM. Heat is stored within the fluid and moved into a heat exchanger where it is transferred out of the facility for cooling or waste heat recovery and can be reused in line with circularity principles.2

  • This method keeps the electrical systems within an optimal temperature range to ensure rapid and efficient heat removal whilst providing additional protection of equipment.2

  • Delivering immersion cooling solutions is aligned to Castrol’s PATH360 sustainability framework, which aims to reduce energy, waste and water and support Castrol’s commercial customers to meet their sustainability goals.

Existing customer partnerships

  • The challenges Castrol has identified cannot be solved by a single entity working alone. In recognition of this fact, Castrol ON is building cohesive, coordinated partnerships to accelerate innovation and deliver mutually beneficial solutions that solve real world problems.

  • This extends all the way from our pre-existing connections with the bp network, to our new partnerships with universities, manufacturers, and customers.

  • This three-way approach means that Castrol is optimised to accelerate innovation, drive hardware and engineering efforts, and ultimately solve customer challenges.2

  • Castrol’s partnerships in this space include:

- Customers: We are collaborating with our customers to identify their biggest challenges, so we can develop fluids and technologies to solve those specific problems.

- Universities: We are partnering with universities, including the Research Institute of Sweden (RISE), to optimise our testing and understanding of fluids and to accelerate data centre innovation.

- Manufacturers: We are working with leading immersion systems manufacturers and server and chip OEMs enabling us to optimise data centre hardware through research, innovation, and engineering.

  1. Data centres & networks - IEA

  2. Castrol brochure: ‘Immersed in Innovation: The Future of Data Centre Cooling’

(来源:F&L Asia)




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