ICONIC 率先在巴西润滑油行业使用生物甲烷

 2024-08-10 发布人:F&L Asia
ICONIC 是巴西润滑油、润滑脂和冷却剂行业的领导者,它迈出了开创性的一步,成为该行业第一家将生物甲烷作为其运营主要能源的公司。这项开创性的举措在其位于里约热内卢杜克卡西亚斯的主要工厂实施,大大推进了公司的脱碳努力。通过从天然气转换为生物...

  ICONIC 是巴西润滑油、润滑脂和冷却剂行业的领导者,它迈出了开创性的一步,成为该行业第一家将生物甲烷作为其运营主要能源的公司。这项开创性的举措在其位于里约热内卢杜克卡西亚斯的主要工厂实施,大大推进了公司的脱碳努力。

  通过从天然气转换为生物甲烷,ICONIC 预计到 2024 年其温室气体 (GHG) 排放量将减少 43%,比原定目标提前六年实现。这一转变是更广泛的 670 万巴西雷亚尔(120 万美元)脱碳战略的一部分,该战略包括多项旨在减少公司碳足迹的举措。


  Ultragaz 以其物流专业知识和广泛的网络而闻名,它通过提供 ICONIC 运营所需的生物甲烷来促进这一转变。改造涉及重大基础设施升级,包括安装压缩气体系统和减压装置,这对于在工厂的模块化锅炉中使用生物甲烷至关重要。

  ICONIC 技术与可持续发展总监 Roberta Teixeira 强调了公司对可持续发展的承诺,并表示:“该项目表明了我们对运营脱碳的承诺,这与《巴黎协定》的目标和我们的可持续发展战略相一致。作为市场领导者,我们认识到推动该行业转型的责任。”

  Ultragaz 可再生气体总监 Erik Trench 对此次合作发表评论:“在 Ultragaz,我们增加能源以促进工业客户的能源转型,与 ICONIC 的合作是朝着这个方向迈出的重要一步。我们准备支持客户实现脱碳的抱负和目标。”


  ICONIC pioneers biomethane use in Brazil’s lubricant industry

  ICONIC, a Brazilian leader in the lubricants, greases, and coolants industry, has taken a pioneering step by becoming the first company in the sector to incorporate biomethane as a primary energy source in its operations. This groundbreaking initiative is set at their main factory in Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, significantly advancing the company’s decarbonisation efforts.

  By switching from natural gas to biomethane, ICONIC projects a 43% reduction in its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2024, achieving this target six years ahead of its scheduled goal. The shift is part of a broader BRL6.7 million (USD1.2 million) decarbonisation strategy that includes multiple initiatives aimed at reducing the company’s carbon footprint.

  Ultragaz, renowned for its logistical expertise and extensive network, is facilitating this transition by supplying the biomethane needed to power ICONIC’s operations. The modification involved significant infrastructure upgrades, including the installation of compressed gas systems and decompression units essential for utilising biomethane in the factory’s modular boilers.

  Roberta Teixeira, director of Technology and Sustainability at ICONIC, emphasised the company’s commitment to sustainability, stating, “This project demonstrates our commitment to the decarbonisation of our operations, aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement and our sustainability strategy. As market leaders, we recognise the responsibility of driving the transformation of this sector.”

  Erik Trench, director of Renewable Gases at Ultragaz, commented on the partnership: “At Ultragaz, we add energy to enable the energy transition of industrial customers, and the partnership with ICONIC is an important movement in this direction. We are prepared to support our customers in their decarbonisation ambitions and goals.”

  This initiative not only marks a significant step towards a more sustainable industrial process but also sets a benchmark for other companies in the lubricant sector to follow.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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