
 2024-08-29 发布人:F&L Asia
为加速印尼能源转型,Pertamina 与现代汽车亚太区合作,在该国开发氢能生态系统。此次合作彰显了 Pertamina 致力于支持印尼实现 2060 年净零排放目标的承诺。Pertamina 战略、投资组合和业务发展总监 Salyadi ...

  为加速印尼能源转型,Pertamina 与现代汽车亚太区合作,在该国开发氢能生态系统。此次合作彰显了 Pertamina 致力于支持印尼实现 2060 年净零排放目标的承诺。

  Pertamina 战略、投资组合和业务发展总监 Salyadi Dariah Saputra 透露,该公司已在印尼各地确定了 17 个潜在的氢气供应源,从苏门答腊到巴布亚。此外,Pertamina 正在乌鲁贝鲁地热区推进绿色氢气试点项目,目标是每天生产 100 公斤绿色氢气。



  在下游方面,Pertamina 还在雅加达西部的 Daan Mogot 建造印尼首个综合能源补给站。该试点站将提供汽油、天然气和氢气,使印尼成为该地区清洁能源的潜在领导者。

  现代汽车亚太总部总裁 Sunny Kim 代表现代汽车公司表达了对此次合作的热情。现代汽车在氢能技术领域拥有 20 多年的经验,旨在与 Pertamina 合作,推动氢气在印度尼西亚交通领域的应用。


  印尼国家石油公司与现代汽车公司之间的协议于 2024 年 5 月 30 日签署了一份谅解备忘录 (MoU)。预计此次合作将成为印尼交通运输行业脱碳和推广清洁能源的重要一步。

  Pertamina and Hyundai Motor to develop hydrogen ecosystem in Indonesia

  In a strategic move to accelerate Indonesia’s energy transition, Pertamina has partnered with Hyundai Motor Asia Pacific to develop the hydrogen ecosystem in the country. This collaboration underscores Pertamina’s commitment to supporting Indonesia’s goal of achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2060.

  Salyadi Dariah Saputra, director of Strategy, Portfolio, and Business Development at Pertamina, revealed that the company has identified 17 potential hydrogen supply sources across Indonesia, from Sumatra to Papua. Additionally, Pertamina is advancing a green hydrogen pilot project in the Ulubelu geothermal area, aiming to produce 100 kg of green hydrogen per day.

  “The hydrogen development will become one of our future clean energy business portfolios and has the potential to position Indonesia as a key player in the region,” Saputra said.

  On the downstream front, Pertamina is also constructing Indonesia’s first integrated energy refueling station in Daan Mogot, West Jakarta. This pilot station will offer gasoline, gas, and hydrogen, positioning Indonesia as a potential leader in clean energy within the region.

  Hyundai Motor Company, represented by Sunny Kim, president of Hyundai Motor Asia Pacific Headquarters, expressed enthusiasm for the partnership. With more than two decades of experience in hydrogen technology, Hyundai aims to work with Pertamina to advance hydrogen use in Indonesia’s transportation sector.

  “We look forward to achieving a sustainable future and contributing to the energy transition in the region together,” Kim said.

  The agreement between Pertamina and Hyundai Motor Company was formalised in a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed on May 30, 2024. This partnership is expected to be a significant step towards decarbonising the transportation sector and promoting clean energy in Indonesia.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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