
 2024-10-12  润滑油信息网
总部位于美国的全球能源巨头雪佛龙公司的子公司雪佛龙加拿大有限公司已签订最终协议,出售其在阿萨巴斯卡油砂项目中 20% 的非经营权益以及加拿大阿尔伯塔省 Duvernay 页岩的 70% 经营权益,致加拿大自然资源有限公司。这笔价值 65 亿...

  总部位于美国的全球能源巨头雪佛龙公司的子公司雪佛龙加拿大有限公司已签订最终协议,出售其在阿萨巴斯卡油砂项目中 20% 的非经营权益以及加拿大阿尔伯塔省 Duvernay 页岩的 70% 经营权益,致加拿大自然资源有限公司。这笔价值 65 亿美元的全现金交易是雪佛龙优化其全球能源投资组合的更广泛战略的一部分。


  此次出售自 2024 年 9 月 1 日起生效,预计将于 2024 年第四季度完成,尚待监管部门批准并满足惯例成交条件。 2023 年,这些资产平均每天为雪佛龙的生产贡献 84,000 桶石油当量 (boe/d)(扣除特许权使用费)。

  此次交易推进了雪佛龙此前宣布的到 2028 年剥离 10-150 亿美元资产的目标,以专注于核心资产并根据公司的战略目标简化运营。

  雪佛龙发言人保拉·比斯利 (Paula Beasley) 表示:“此次出售反映了我们持续致力于专注于核心业务领域,同时推进雪佛龙的产品组合转型。”



  Chevron sells stake in Canadian oil sands and shale assets

  Chevron Canada Limited, a subsidiary of U.S.-based global energy major Chevron Corporation, has entered into a definitive agreement to sell its 20% non-operated interest in the Athabasca Oil Sands Project and 70% operated interest in the Duvernay shale in Alberta, Canada, to Canadian Natural Resources Limited. The all-cash deal, valued at USD6.5 billion, is part of Chevron’s broader strategy to optimise its global energy portfolio.

  The sale, effective from 1 September 2024, is expected to close by the fourth quarter of 2024, pending regulatory approvals and customary closing conditions. These assets contributed an average of 84,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) net of royalties to Chevron’s production in 2023.

  This transaction advances Chevron’s previously announced goal of divesting USD10-15 billion in assets by 2028 to focus on core assets and streamline operations in line with the company’s strategic objectives.

  “This sale reflects our ongoing commitment to focusing on core business areas while advancing Chevron’s portfolio transformation,” said Paula Beasley, Chevron’s spokesperson/

  Canadian Natural Resources Limited, a major player in Canada’s oil industry, will assume responsibility for the assets, bolstering its existing position in both the oil sands and shale operations.

  Chevron continues to pursue its energy transition goals, focusing on lowering carbon intensity in its traditional oil and gas business while increasing investments in renewable fuels, carbon capture, hydrogen, and emerging technologies.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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