
 2024-10-14  润滑油信息网
路博润是添加剂行业的领先企业,已做出重大领导任命,以加强其客户合作伙伴关系、提高技术能力并扩大其在该领域的领导地位。该公司宣布提拔几位行业资深人士担任关键职务。Keith Corkwell 被任命为路博润添加剂公司总裁。 Corkwell ...



  Keith Corkwell 被任命为路博润添加剂公司总裁。 Corkwell 在路博润担任过各种商业和技术职务,拥有超过 25 年的经验,此前曾担任美洲添加剂副总裁。他的丰富经验涉及多个领域,包括燃料添加剂、重型发动机油、传动系统和电动汽车。他的领导现在将在推进公司全球市场战略方面发挥关键作用。

  路博润总裁兼首席执行官丽贝卡·利伯特 (Rebecca Liebert) 对 Corkwell 的任命评论道:“Keith 多年来一直是我们添加剂领导团队的重要成员,因其积极主动的方法、解决问题的能力和执行速度而受到客户的信任。他了解我们的客户在其所服务的地区和市场所面临的微妙需求,并且是一位出色的合作者,能够将团队聚集在一起以满足客户需求。这项任命将为路博润和我们的合作伙伴带来巨大的价值。”


  – Brenna Huovie 被任命为美洲添加剂副总裁。 Huovie 拥有近 30 年的管理、技术和商业经验,在发起具有区域和全球影响力的战略举措方面发挥了重要作用。她的重点将是推动美洲市场的增长。

  – Mark Davies 被任命为添加剂技术副总裁,负责领导路博润添加剂部门的全球创新和开发工作。他20年的技术管理和研发经验将支持公司对本地化解决方案的承诺。

  – Anouska Norman 担任添加剂战略营销和商业卓越副总裁。诺曼将指导路博润的战略路线图,专注于为各个市场的客户创造价值。自 2007 年加入路博润以来,诺曼在全球商业管理领域担任过多个关键职务。


  Lubrizol enhances additives leadership with key appointments

  Lubrizol, a leading player in the additives industry, has made significant leadership appointments to bolster its customer partnerships, advance technical capabilities, and extend its leadership in the field. The company has announced the promotion of several industry veterans into key roles.

  Keith Corkwell has been appointed as president of Lubrizol Additives. Corkwell, with more than 25 years of experience in various commercial and technical roles within Lubrizol, previously served as vice president of Additives Americas. His extensive experience spans multiple categories, including fuel additives, heavy-duty engine oil, driveline, and e-mobility. His leadership will now play a pivotal role in advancing the company’s strategies across global markets.

  Rebecca Liebert, Lubrizol’s president and CEO, commented on Corkwell’s appointment: “Keith has been a valued member of our Additives leadership team for many years, trusted by our customers for his proactive approach, his ability to problem solve and his speed to execution. He understands the nuanced needs our customers face across the regions and markets they serve and is a great collaborator who brings teams together to meet customer needs. This appointment will drive great value for Lubrizol and our partners.”

  In addition to Corkwell’s appointment, other strategic leadership updates were announced:

  – Brenna Huovie has been named vice president of Additives Americas. With nearly 30 years of experience in management, technology, and commercial roles, Huovie has been instrumental in launching strategic initiatives with regional and global impacts. Her focus will be on driving growth in the Americas market.

  – Mark Davies has been appointed vice president of Additives Technology, where he will lead the global innovation and development efforts for Lubrizol’s Additives division. His 20 years of experience in technology management and R&D will support the company’s commitment to localised solutions.

  – Anouska Norman takes on the role of vice president of Additives Strategic Marketing and Commercial Excellence. Norman will guide Lubrizol’s strategic roadmap, focusing on driving value for customers across various markets. Since joining Lubrizol in 2007, Norman has held several key roles in global commercial management.

  These appointments reflect Lubrizol’s commitment to fostering innovation and delivering high-performance solutions to customers worldwide.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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