
 2024-10-22  润滑油信息网
嘉实多推出了最新的低粘度发动机油 Castrol EDGE 0W-30 LL,专为各种宝马、梅赛德斯-奔驰、保时捷和大众汽车而设计。这种先进的润滑油适用于汽油、柴油和混合动力发动机,其开发符合现代发动机规格,制造商推荐使用 ACEA C3 ...

  嘉实多推出了最新的低粘度发动机油 Castrol EDGE 0W-30 LL,专为各种宝马、梅赛德斯-奔驰、保时捷和大众汽车而设计。这种先进的润滑油适用于汽油、柴油和混合动力发动机,其开发符合现代发动机规格,制造商推荐使用 ACEA C3 或更早的 0W-30 润滑油


  嘉实多 EDGE 0W-30 LL 单一产品满足四个 OEM 认证的最新行业要求:BMW Longlife-04、MB-Approval 229.31/ 229.51、Porsche C30 和 VW 504 00/ 507 00。新型润滑油也适用于 MB 229.52 规范(适用于梅赛德斯-奔驰车辆)。

  虽然较小的涡轮增压发动机可提高燃油效率,但这些发动机内部增加的压力会增加摩擦,可能会浪费能源并使性能降低高达 10%。 Castrol EDGE 0W-30 LL 的配方旨在最大限度地减少摩擦、提高效率并降低排放。

  此外,高性能涡轮增压发动机在低速重负载下面临**低速提前点火(LSPI)**的风险。 LSPI 会导致过早燃烧,导致压力过高、发动机噪音,甚至严重的发动机损坏。 Castrol EDGE 0W-30 LL 满足所有 LSPI 测试要求,降低了发生这些有害事件的可能性。

  该公司表示,除了宝马、梅赛德斯-奔驰、保时捷和大众之外,嘉实多 EDGE 0W-30 LL 还有潜力为六个欧洲国家的多达 5100 万辆汽车提供服务。发动机油有 1 升和 5 升包装可供选择。

  Castrol unveils low-viscosity engine oil approved by top automakers

  Castrol has introduced its latest low-viscosity engine oil, Castrol EDGE 0W-30 LL, designed for use in a wide range of BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, and Volkswagen vehicles. This advanced lubricant is suitable for petrol, diesel, and hybrid engines, and has been developed to meet modern engine specifications where manufacturers recommend an ACEA C3 or earlier 0W-30 oil.

  Castrol EDGE 0W-30 LL meets the latest industry requirements of four OEM approvals: BMW Longlife-04, MB-Approval 229.31/ 229.51, Porsche C30 and VW 504 00/ 507 00 in a single product. The new lubricant is also suitable for use in MB 229.52 specifications (for Mercedes-Benz vehicles).

  While smaller turbocharged engines offer improved fuel efficiency, the added pressure inside these engines can increase friction, potentially wasting energy and reducing performance by up to 10%. Castrol EDGE 0W-30 LL is formulated to minimise friction, enhance efficiency, and lower emissions.

  Additionally, high-performance turbocharged engines face the risk of **low-speed pre-ignition (LSPI)** under heavy loads at low speeds. LSPI can cause premature combustion, leading to excessive pressure, engine noise, and even severe engine damage. Castrol EDGE 0W-30 LL meets all LSPI testing requirements, reducing the likelihood of these harmful events.

  In addition to BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, and Volkswagen, Castrol EDGE 0W-30 LL has the potential to service up to 51 million vehicles across six European countries, the company said. The engine oil is available in one-litre and five-litre packs.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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