VinFast 在印尼启动电动汽车组装厂

 2024-07-19  润滑油信息网
VinFast Auto 已正式开始在印度尼西亚西爪哇省 Subang 建造新的电动汽车 (EV) 装配厂。此次向东南亚蓬勃发展的电动汽车市场之一进行战略扩张,凸显了 VinFast 对区域增长和支持印度尼西亚不断发展的电动汽车行业的承诺。...

  VinFast Auto 已正式开始在印度尼西亚西爪哇省 Subang 建造新的电动汽车 (EV) 装配厂。此次向东南亚蓬勃发展的电动汽车市场之一进行战略扩张,凸显了 VinFast 对区域增长和支持印度尼西亚不断发展的电动汽车行业的承诺。

  新工厂初期投资约 2 亿美元,年产能为 5 万辆。工厂将涵盖几个主要生产区域,包括车身车间、总装车间、喷漆车间和测试区。


  该工厂计划于 2025 年第四季度开始运营,将为印度尼西亚市场生产 VinFast 电动 SUV 车型的右驾版本,例如 VF 3、VF 5、VF 6 和 VF 7。此次扩建预计将创造数千个当地就业机会,增强熟练劳动力,并为当地经济和社区发展做出重大贡献。

  印尼总统办公厅主任 H. Moeldoko 将军强调了 VinFast 对当地社区的积极经济影响、创造就业机会和改善福利。他强调了印尼政府对外国投资的支持,特别是在汽车行业,以及 VinFast 带来的预期技术创新和知识转移。

  VinFast 印尼公司首席执行官 Temmy Wiradjaja 强调,此次奠基仪式是 VinFast 成为该地区前景广阔的电动汽车市场领先企业战略的重要里程碑。他重申了 VinFast 对印尼的长期承诺,旨在推动电动汽车行业发展、支持经济增长并提高印尼人民的生活质量。

  除了扩大生产能力外,VinFast 还迅速在印尼建立了强大的业务影响力,推出了两款右驾电动 SUV 车型 VF 5 和 VF e34,开设了经销店,并实施了灵活的销售政策,包括开创性的电池订购计划。VinFast 不断创新,致力于成为东南亚具有全球影响力的高科技工业领导者。

  VinFast (纳斯达克股票代码:VFS) 是越南 Vingroup JSC 的子公司,致力于让每个人都能拥有电动汽车。该公司的产品系列包括各种电动 SUV、电动踏板车和电动巴士。VinFast 目前正在全球扩展其分销和经销商网络,重点关注北美、欧洲和亚洲的主要市场。

  VinFast begins EV assembly plant in Indonesia

  VinFast Auto has officially commenced construction on its new electric vehicle (EV) assembly plant in Subang, West Java, Indonesia. This strategic expansion into one of Southeast Asia’s burgeoning EV markets underscores VinFast’s commitment to regional growth and supporting Indonesia’s growing electric vehicle industry.

  The new plant represents an initial investment of approximately USD200 million and will have an annual production capacity of 50,000 vehicles. The facility will encompass several key production areas including a Body Shop, General Assembly Shop, Paint Shop, and testing areas.

  Scheduled to begin operations in Q4 2025, the plant will produce right-hand drive versions of VinFast’s e-SUV models such as the VF 3, VF 5, VF 6, and VF 7 for the Indonesian market. This expansion is expected to create thousands of local jobs, enhance the skilled labour force, and significantly contribute to the local economy and community development.

  General H. Moeldoko, chief of Presidential Staff of Indonesia, emphasised the positive economic impact, job creation, and welfare improvement for the local community. He highlighted the Indonesian government’s support for foreign investment, particularly in the automotive sector, and the expected technological innovation and knowledge transfer brought by VinFast.

  Temmy Wiradjaja, CEO of VinFast Indonesia, highlighted this groundbreaking event as a key milestone in VinFast’s strategy to become a leading player in the region’s promising electric vehicle market. He reiterated VinFast’s long-term commitment to Indonesia, aiming to boost the EV sector, support economic growth, and enhance the quality of life for Indonesians.

  In addition to expanding its production capabilities, VinFast has rapidly established a strong business presence in Indonesia, launching two right-hand drive electric SUV models, the VF 5 and VF e34, opening dealership stores, and implementing flexible sales policies including a pioneering battery subscription program. VinFast continues to innovate, striving to become a high-tech industrial leader in Southeast Asia with a global influence.

  VinFast (NASDAQ: VFS), a subsidiary of Vietnam’s Vingroup JSC, is dedicated to making electric vehicles accessible to everyone. The company’s product line-up includes a wide range of electric SUVs, e-scooters, and e-buses. VinFast is currently expanding its distribution and dealership network globally, focusing on key markets in North America, Europe, and Asia.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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