SK Innovation 与 SK E&S 合并成为亚太地区最大的能源公司

 2024-07-19  润滑油信息网
韩国 SK Innovation 与 SK E&S 正式宣布合并,成立亚太地区最大的私营能源公司,资产总额达 100 万亿韩元(725 亿美元)。这一战略举措旨在增强投资组合竞争力、加强财务和利润结构,并确保快速发展的能源领域的增长...

  韩国 SK Innovation 与 SK E&S 正式宣布合并,成立亚太地区最大的私营能源公司,资产总额达 100 万亿韩元(725 亿美元)。这一战略举措旨在增强投资组合竞争力、加强财务和利润结构,并确保快速发展的能源领域的增长势头。

  SK Innovation 成立于 1962 年,是韩国第一家炼油公司,此后业务范围不断扩大,涵盖石化产品、润滑油和石油勘探。该公司目前正在进军未来能源领域,包括电动汽车电池、小型模块化反应堆 (molSMRPH)、氨和浸没式冷却。这种战略多元化使 SK Innovation 成为韩国最大的能源公司。


  SK E&S 成立于 1999 年,是 SK Innovation 的子公司,最初是一家城市燃气控股公司。如今,它是韩国领先的私营液化天然气公司,在全球范围内完成了液化天然气价值链。SK E&S 正在向绿色投资组合发展,整合其核心业务——城市燃气、低碳液化天然气价值链、可再生能源以及氢能和能源解决方案——以产生协同效应并促进可持续增长。

  SK Innovation 和 SK E㖅S 于 7 月 17 日分别召开董事会会议并批准了合并提案。如果合并计划在下个月举行的各自股东大会上获得批准,合并后的公司将于 2024 年 11 月 1 日正式成立。

  SK Innovation 首席执行官朴尚圭表示:“两家公司的合并代表着结构性和根本性的创新,旨在通过积极应对能源行业不断变化的环境来实现可持续增长。通过此次合并,SK Innovation 将成长为一家全方位能源解决方案公司,引领韩国能源行业从现在走向未来。”

  SK E&S 首席执行官 Choo Hyeong-wook 补充道:“此次合并不仅将加强两家公司现有的业务能力,还将确保未来关键能源业务的增长引擎。基于合并产生的协同效应,SK E&S 将以四大核心业务为中心,增强绿色投资组合,引领未来能源市场。”


  – 全面的产品组合:合并后的实体将涵盖石油和液化天然气等现有能源和可再生能源、氢能和小型模块化反应堆(SMR)等未来能源的整个价值链,以及电池和储能系统(ESS)等电气化业务。

  – 财务实力:合并后的公司计划到 2030 年实现 EBITDA 20 万亿韩元(145 亿美元),这得益于投资组合管理、财务结构和增长计划的协同效应。此次合并有望通过液化天然气、电力和城市燃气业务的稳定盈利能力来缓解石化业务的高利润波动性。

  – 增长动力:通过整合资源和能力,合并后的公司将增强其在能源和电气化领域的竞争力和盈利能力。这包括将 SK Innovation 的原油炼制和贸易业务与 SK E&S 的天然气开发和液化天然气贸易相结合。


  – 投资组合竞争力:建立涵盖所有业务部门的竞争性投资组合。

  – 财务稳定:确保稳定的盈利能力以及资产和销售额的外部增长。

  – 增长计划:通过资源和能力整合,增强竞争力并培育新业务。

  South Korea’s SK Innovation and SK E&S have officially announced their merger, creating the largest private energy company in the Asia-Pacific region with assets totaling KRW100 trillion (USD72.5 billion). This strategic move aims to enhance portfolio competitiveness, strengthen financial and profit structures, and secure growth momentum in the rapidly evolving energy sector.

  Founded in 1962 as South Korea’s first oil refining company, SK Innovation has since broadened its business scope to encompass petrochemicals, lubricants, and oil exploration. The company is now venturing into future energy sectors, including electric vehicle batteries, small modular reactors (molSMRPH), ammonia, and immersion cooling. This strategic diversification has positioned SK Innovation as the largest energy company in South Korea.

  Established as a spin-off from SK Innovation in 1999, SK E&S began as a city gas holding company. Today, it is South Korea’s leading private LNG company, having completed the LNG value chain on a global scale. SK E&S is evolving towards a green portfolio, integrating its core businesses—city gas, low-carbon LNG value chain, renewable energy, and hydrogen and energy solutions—to generate synergies and promote sustainable growth.

  SK Innovation and SK E㖅S separately held board meetings on July 17 and approved the merger proposal. If the merger plan is approved at their respective shareholders meeting scheduled next month, the merged corporation will officially launch on November 1, 2024.

  Park Sang-kyu, CEO of SK Innovation, stated, “The merger of the two companies represents a structural and fundamental innovation aimed at achieving sustainable growth by proactively responding to the changing environment surrounding the energy industry. Through this merger, SK Innovation will grow into a Total Energy Solution Company that leads Korea’s energy industry from the present into the future.”

  Choo Hyeong-wook, CEO of SK E&S, added, “This merger will not only strengthen the existing business capabilities of both companies but also secure growth engines for key future energy businesses. Based on the synergies created through the merger, SK E&S will enhance its green portfolio centered on its four core businesses and lead the future energy market.”

  Key highlights of the merger

  – Comprehensive Portfolio: The merged entity will encompass the entire value chain of both current energy sources such as oil and LNG, and future energy sources including renewable energy, hydrogen, and small modular reactors (SMR), as well as electrification businesses like batteries and energy storage systems (ESS).

  – Financial Strength: The combined company aims to achieve an EBITDA of KRW20 trillion (USD14.5 billion) by 2030, driven by synergies in portfolio management, financial structure, and growth initiatives. The merger is expected to mitigate the high profit volatility of the petrochemical business with the stable profit generation capabilities of the LNG, power, and city gas businesses.

  – Growth Momentum: By integrating resources and capabilities, the merged company will enhance its competitiveness and profitability in both energy and electrification sectors. This includes combining SK Innovation’s crude oil refining and trading operations with SK E&S’s gas development and LNG trading.

  Strategic Goals

  – Portfolio Competitiveness: Establish a competitive portfolio across all business sectors.

  – Financial Stability: Secure stable profit generation capabilities and external growth in assets and sales.

  – Growth Initiatives: Enhance competitiveness and foster new businesses through resource and capability integration.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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