TotalEnergies 和 SSE 在英国和爱尔兰推出电动汽车充电“Source”

 2024-07-27  润滑油信息网
TotalEnergies 和 SSE 宣布成立合资企业,创建新实体“Source”,旨在在英国和爱尔兰建立强大的电动汽车 (EV) 充电网络。SSE 前身为苏格兰南方能源公司,是英国最大的能源公司之一。Source 将在未来五年内建立多达...

  TotalEnergies 和 SSE 宣布成立合资企业,创建新实体“Source”,旨在在英国和爱尔兰建立强大的电动汽车 (EV) 充电网络。

  SSE 前身为苏格兰南方能源公司,是英国最大的能源公司之一。


  Source 将在未来五年内建立多达 3,000 个高功率充电点,分布在 300 个电动汽车枢纽。这些枢纽将战略性地分布在城市地区,以满足对快速可靠的电动汽车充电解决方案日益增长的需求。该计划旨在占领 20% 的市场份额,提供必要的基础设施来支持日益增多的电动汽车,而这得益于英国 2035 年零汽车排放规定和爱尔兰到 2030 年实现 100 万辆电动汽车的目标。

  这些充电点将由 SSE 和 TotalEnergies 提供的可再生能源供电,这加强了他们对可持续能源解决方案的承诺。该合资企业符合 TotalEnergies 的更广泛战略,即扩大其在欧洲各地的高功率充电站网络,补充其全球现有的 64,000 个充电点。

  SSE 企业总经理 Neil Kirkby 强调了该合资企业在加速交通脱碳方面的作用,补充了 SSE 在可再生能源和电网转型方面的广泛努力。此次合作凸显了建立更清洁、更高效的交通系统的共同愿景。


  TotalEnergies and SSE launch ‘Source’ for EV charging in the UK and Ireland

  TotalEnergies and SSE have announced a joint venture to create a new entity, ‘Source,’ aimed at developing a robust electric vehicle (EV) charging network across the UK and Ireland.

  SSE, formerly known as Scottish and Southern Energy, is one of the largest energy companies in the United Kingdom.

  Source will establish up to 3,000 high-power charge points within the next five years, positioned in 300 EV hubs. These hubs will be strategically located in urban areas to meet the growing demand for fast and reliable EV charging solutions. The initiative aims to capture a 20% market share, providing essential infrastructure to support the increasing number of EVs, driven by the UK’s 2035 zero vehicle emissions mandate and Ireland’s target of one million electric vehicles by 2030.

  The charge points will be powered by renewable energy supplied by SSE and TotalEnergies, reinforcing their commitment to sustainable energy solutions. This venture aligns with TotalEnergies’ broader strategy to expand its network of high-power charging sites across Europe, complementing its existing 64,000 charge points worldwide.

  Neil Kirkby, managing director of Enterprise at SSE, highlighted the venture’s role in accelerating the decarbonisation of transport, complementing SSE’s extensive efforts in renewable energy and electricity network transformation. The partnership underscores a shared vision for a cleaner, more efficient transportation system.

  This collaboration is set to provide numerous benefits, including enhanced consumer confidence in EV infrastructure, reduced carbon emissions, and support for the broader goals of energy transition and sustainability in the UK and Ireland.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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