
 2024-08-13  润滑油信息网
日本润滑油制造商出光兴产株式会社推出了“IDEMITSU IFG Plantech Racing”,这是一项重大创新,是世界上第一款采用 80% 以上植物材料制成的 API SP 认证发动机油。这款开创性的产品将于 2024 年 11 月上...

  日本润滑油制造商出光兴产株式会社推出了“IDEMITSU IFG Plantech Racing”,这是一项重大创新,是世界上第一款采用 80% 以上植物材料制成的 API SP 认证发动机油。这款开创性的产品将于 2024 年 11 月上市,代表着可持续汽车技术的重大进步。


  IDEMITSU IFG Plantech Racing 的粘度等级为 0W-20,不仅满足甚至超越了美国石油协会 (API) 设定的严格性能要求,包括燃油效率、耐热性和耐磨性。这使其成为高性能和环境可持续性并重的赛车应用的理想选择。

  除了获得 API SP 认证外,这款革命性的发动机油还获得了日本有机物回收协会的生物质标志认证,证明其使用了可持续资源。该产品是广受好评的“出光 IFG/IRG 系列”的延伸,该系列受到出光经营润滑油业务的 13 个国家的驾驶爱好者的青睐。

  出光兴产总裁兼首席执行官 Shunichi Kito 对新产品表现出极大的热情,他表示:“我们致力于通过我们的技术能力,将性能与可持续性相结合,开发出让驾驶爱好者满意的产品。”

  IDEMITSU IFG Plantech Racing 的开发证明了出光自 1911 年成立以来对创新的持续承诺。通过此次发布,出光继续引领向更可持续的汽车解决方案的转型,减少对环境的影响,同时又不影响赛车行业所要求的高性能标准。

  Idemitsu launches first plant-based racing engine oil

  Japanese lubricant manufacturer Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd. has introduced the “IDEMITSU IFG Plantech Racing,” marking a significant innovation as the world’s first API SP-certified engine oil crafted with over 80% plant-based materials. This pioneering product, slated for release in November 2024, represents a major stride in sustainable automotive technologies.

  The IDEMITSU IFG Plantech Racing, which features a viscosity grade of 0W-20, not only meets but surpasses the stringent performance requirements set by the American Petroleum Institute (API), including those for fuel efficiency, heat resistance, and wear resistance. This makes it an ideal choice for racing applications where high performance and environmental sustainability are both priorities.

  In addition to its API SP certification, this revolutionary engine oil has also earned the Biomass Mark certification from the Japan Organics Recycling Association, verifying its use of sustainable resources. This product is an extension of the acclaimed “IDEMITSU IFG/IRG Series,” which has been favored by driving enthusiasts in 13 countries where Idemitsu operates its lubricant businesses.

  Shunichi Kito, president and CEO of Idemitsu, expressed enthusiasm about the new product, stating, “We are committed to developing products that delight driving enthusiasts through our technological capabilities, blending performance with sustainability.”

  The development of the IDEMITSU IFG Plantech Racing is a testament to Idemitsu’s ongoing commitment to innovation since its establishment in 1911. With this launch, Idemitsu continues to lead in the transition towards more sustainable automotive solutions, reducing environmental impact without compromising on the high-performance standards demanded by the racing industry.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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