
 2024-08-13 发布人:F&L Asia
埃克森美孚香港有限公司 (EMHK) 宣布推出埃索可再生柴油 R20,这是可持续交通领域的一项突破性进展,这是香港首款可供公共道路使用的可再生柴油。这种创新燃料现已在埃索青衣南服务站供应,为减少温室气体 (GHG) 排放提供了一种可行的解决...

  埃克森美孚香港有限公司 (EMHK) 宣布推出埃索可再生柴油 R20,这是可持续交通领域的一项突破性进展,这是香港首款可供公共道路使用的可再生柴油。这种创新燃料现已在埃索青衣南服务站供应,为减少温室气体 (GHG) 排放提供了一种可行的解决方案。


  Esso 可再生柴油 R20 是一种高品质燃料,可再生成分至少为 20%,与传统柴油相比,其生命周期温室气体排放量估计可减少 15.4%。该燃料与所有现有柴油发动机兼容,具有出色的保护和清洁能力,并通过专有的 Esso Synergy™ 添加剂增强。它不仅在服务站有售,还可以批量交付给商业客户。

  埃克森美孚亚太燃料销售总监 Mabel Leung 对此次发布表示兴奋。“我们很高兴将埃索可再生柴油 R20 引入香港。我们很自豪能成为香港的先锋供应商,为柴油客户提供公路用直接替代燃料,可立即用于所有现有柴油发动机,无需任何改装。这一举措表明我们致力于为香港交通运输部门提供低温室气体排放解决方案。”

  埃克森美孚香港及澳门燃料销售总监 Tony Kwok 表示:“我们呼吁政府和商用车界考虑使用温室气体排放较低的燃料,如可再生柴油,以在对目前柴油车运行方式进行最小程度改变的情况下减少温室气体排放。”

  ExxonMobil introduces renewable diesel in Hong Kong

  ExxonMobil Hong Kong Limited (EMHK) has announced a groundbreaking development in sustainable transportation with the launch of Esso Renewable Diesel R20, the first renewable diesel available for public road use in Hong Kong. This innovative fuel, now available at the Esso Tsing Yi South service station, provides an accessible solution for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

  Esso Renewable Diesel R20 is a high-quality fuel with a minimum of 20% renewable content, delivering an estimated 15.4% reduction in lifecycle GHG emissions compared to conventional diesel. Compatible with all existing diesel engines, the fuel offers excellent protection and cleaning power, enhanced by the proprietary Esso Synergy™ additive. It is available not only at the service station but also through bulk delivery to commercial customers.

  Mabel Leung, director, ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Fuels Sales, expressed excitement over this launch. “We are excited to introduce Esso Renewable Diesel R20 to Hong Kong. We are proud to be the pioneering supplier in Hong Kong, offering diesel customers a drop-in replacement fuel for public road use that can be used immediately with all existing diesel engines without requiring any modifications. This initiative demonstrates our commitment to providing lower-GHG emission solutions for the transportation sector in Hong Kong.”

  Tony Kwok, director, ExxonMobil Hong Kong & Macau Fuels Sales, stated, “We urge the government and the commercial vehicle community to consider lower-GHG emission fuels, such as renewable diesel, as a way to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions with minimal change to their current diesel vehicle operation.”

(来源:F&L Asia)




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