加拿大石油润滑剂公司接管 Suniso® 品牌的全球管理

 2024-09-04  润滑油信息网
HF Sinclair Corporation 旗下品牌加拿大石油润滑剂公司 (Petro-Canada Lubricants) 宣布,将接管 Suniso® 品牌的全球管理、营销和分销,自 2024 年 9 月起生效。这一战略举措包括从 ...

  HF Sinclair Corporation 旗下品牌加拿大石油润滑剂公司 (Petro-Canada Lubricants) 宣布,将接管 Suniso® 品牌的全球管理、营销和分销,自 2024 年 9 月起生效。这一战略举措包括从 Sonneborn 手中接管 Suniso 的商标和技术,另一个 HF Sinclair 品牌。

  Suniso 是高品质制冷液的代名词,90 多年来一直受到全球原始设备制造商 (OEM) 和最终用户的信赖。该品牌以其为制冷压缩机提供卓越的稳定性、最大限度地延长使用寿命和提供无故障性能的能力而闻名。


  凭借这一新职责,加拿大石油润滑剂公司计划通过授权经销商和战略合作伙伴扩展 Suniso 产品的分销网络,从而显着提高其可用性。该产品线将包括Suniso GS(业界原创的“等级标准”高度精炼矿物制冷液)和Suniso SL(专为现代制冷系统设计的全合成系列)。

  HF Sinclair 润滑油与特种产品高级副总裁 Matt Joyce 表达了对加拿大石油润滑油公司继续继承 Suniso 传统的热情。 “90 多年来,Suniso 品牌一直在供应世界领先的制冷液,我们很高兴加拿大石油润滑剂公司将延续这一传统,”Joyce 说道。

  “长期以来,Suniso 制冷液赢得了世界各地客户的忠诚,因为它们能够提供卓越的稳定性、最大限度地延长使用寿命并为制冷压缩机提供无故障性能。”

  除了 Suniso 之外,加拿大石油润滑剂公司还将继续销售其补充制冷液系列 REFLO™,该产品专为商用制冷系统而配制。

  Petro-Canada Lubricants assumes global management of Suniso® brand

  Petro-Canada Lubricants, a brand under HF Sinclair Corporation, has announced that it will take over the global management, marketing, and distribution of the Suniso® brand, effective September 2024. This strategic move involves assuming control of Suniso’s trademark and technology from Sonneborn, another HF Sinclair brand.

  Suniso, a name synonymous with high-quality refrigeration fluids, has been trusted by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and end users worldwide for more than 90 years. The brand is known for its ability to provide exceptional stability, maximise service life, and deliver trouble-free performance for refrigerant compressors.

  With this new responsibility, Petro-Canada Lubricants plans to extend the distribution network of Suniso products through authorised distributors and strategic partners, significantly enhancing their availability. The product line will include Suniso GS, the industry’s original ‘Grade Standard’ highly-refined mineral refrigeration fluids, and Suniso SL, a full synthetic range designed for modern refrigeration systems.

  Matt Joyce, senior vice president of Lubricants & Specialties at HF Sinclair, expressed enthusiasm for continuing the Suniso legacy under Petro-Canada Lubricants. “The Suniso brand has been supplying world-leading refrigeration fluids for more than 90 years and we’re delighted that Petro-Canada Lubricants will be continuing that legacy,” said Joyce.

  “Over that time, Suniso refrigeration fluids have earned the loyalty of customers around the world, thanks to their ability to provide exceptional stability, maximise service life and deliver trouble-free performance for refrigerant compressors.”

  In addition to Suniso, Petro-Canada Lubricants will continue to market its complementary line of refrigeration fluids, REFLO™, which is formulated for commercial refrigeration systems.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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