道达尔能源公司与Point S公司合作,在美国供应优质润滑油

 2024-10-08  润滑油信息网
TotalEnergies Marketing USA 宣布与 Point S North America 建立战略合作伙伴关系,标志着向该公司遍布美国的广泛零售店网络供应优质润滑油的新篇章。作为协议的一部分,TotalEnergies 将...

  TotalEnergies Marketing USA 宣布与 Point S North America 建立战略合作伙伴关系,标志着向该公司遍布美国的广泛零售店网络供应优质润滑油的新篇章。作为协议的一部分,TotalEnergies 将向 Point S 客户提供全系列石英发动机油,从而提高汽车服务质量。

  此次合作是在 TotalEnergies 和 Point S 之间达成更广泛的全球协议之后进行的,其中还包括在加拿大的业务。


  Point S 是一个由独立轮胎经销商和汽车服务提供商组成的全球网络。它于 1971 年在法国成立,现已发展成为全球最大的独立轮胎和汽车服务网络之一。该公司采用合作模式运营,这意味着各个商店独立拥有和经营,但在采购、营销和品牌推广方面受益于大集团的一部分。

  Point S 的业务遍及 40 多个国家,在全球拥有 5,500 多个服务中心,使其成为汽车服务行业的重要参与者。它在欧洲的影响力尤其强大,但已扩展到北美、亚洲和非洲。

  “我们很高兴与 Point S North America 建立合作伙伴关系,我们与这家公司有着许多共同的价值观。 Point S 在美国广泛的零售网络使我们能够为客户提供优质的服务,现在将与 TotalEnergies 的优质润滑油系列相搭配”,TotalEnergies Marketing USA 总裁 Franck Bagouet 说道。

  “我们期待与 TotalEnergies Marketing USA 合作,为我们的客户提供优质的 OEM 认可油品。” Point S 北美运营副总裁 Gary Sass 说道。 “我们最近在加拿大签署了一项协议,该计划正在进行中。这将为我们的会员在维修客户车辆时提供另一个出色的解决方案。”

  TotalEnergies partners with Point S to supply premium lubricants in U.S.A.

  TotalEnergies Marketing USA has announced a strategic partnership with Point S North America, marking a new chapter in the supply of premium lubricants to the company’s extensive network of retail shops across the United States. As part of the agreement, TotalEnergies will offer its full range of Quartz Engine Oils to Point S customers, enhancing the quality of automotive services.

  The collaboration follows a larger global agreement between TotalEnergies and Point S, which also includes operations in Canada.

  Point S is a global network of independent tyre dealers and automotive service providers. Founded in France in 1971, it has grown to become one of the largest independent tyre and auto service networks in the world. The company operates under a cooperative model, meaning the individual stores are independently owned and operated but benefit from being part of a large group in terms of purchasing, marketing, and branding.

  Point S operates in more than 40 countries, with more than 5,500 service centres worldwide, making it a significant player in the automotive service industry. Its presence is particularly strong in Europe but has expanded to North America, Asia, and Africa.

  “We are delighted about this partnership with Point S North America, a company that we share so many values with. Point S’s extensive retail network in the U.S.A. allows us to offer our customers quality services, which will now be paired with by TotalEnergies’ range of premium lubricants”, says Franck Bagouet, president of TotalEnergies Marketing USA.

  “We look forward to working with TotalEnergies Marketing USA and to offer our customers superior OEM approved oils.” says Gary Sass, vice president of Operations at Point S North America. “We recently signed an agreement in Canada and the program is underway. This will give our members another great solution when it comes to servicing customers’ vehicles.”

(来源:F&L Asia)




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