
 2024-10-11  润滑油信息网
马来西亚国有能源公司 PETRONAS 旗下的全球润滑油子公司马石油国际润滑油公司 (PLI) 宣布与意大利固特异轮胎建立重要合作伙伴关系。此次合作将使 PLI 为固特异庞大的 SuperService 网络提供一系列高性能润滑油和流体,该...

  马来西亚国有能源公司 PETRONAS 旗下的全球润滑油子公司马石油国际润滑油公司 (PLI) 宣布与意大利固特异轮胎建立重要合作伙伴关系。此次合作将使 PLI 为固特异庞大的 SuperService 网络提供一系列高性能润滑油和流体,该网络由遍布意大利的 330 多个轮胎服务中心组成。


  该合作伙伴关系通过整合马石油用于轻型车辆的 Syntium 润滑油、用于重型车辆的 Urania Green 以及用于变速箱和冷却系统的 Tutela OM,加强了固特异的 SuperService 产品。这些产品旨在提高车辆性能,同时最大限度地减少对环境的影响,体现了 PLI 对创新和可持续发展的承诺。值得注意的是,Syntium 系列将以盒中袋 (BIB) 包装进行销售,这是一种实用且环保的解决方案,100% 可回收。

  该合作伙伴关系于 9 月 27 日至 29 日在撒丁岛举行的固特异超级服务大会上正式宣布。该活动是一个讨论汽车行业未来的论坛,展示了两家公司对推动创新和为客户提供优质服务的共同承诺。

  PLI 意大利和非洲业务主管 Ciro Lupo 对此次合作表示兴奋:“我们很高兴与固特异轮胎合作,这家公司与我们有着共同的卓越愿景和客户满意度。这一合作伙伴关系将使我们能够进一步加强我们在意大利市场的影响力,并通过固特异令人印象深刻的网络向消费者提供最优质的润滑油。”

  意大利固特异轮胎零售总监 Marco Prosdocimi 也表达了同样的观点:“我们选择马石油润滑油国际公司作为 SuperService 网络的合作伙伴,因为他们提供能够提高车辆性能的优质产品。他们的多服务解决方案方法完美补充了我们的战略。”

  除了提供润滑油外,PLI 还将为 SuperService 技术人员提供培训和教育,确保他们具备为客户提供全面可靠的服务的能力。技术人员还将有机会参观 PLI 位于 Villastellone 的研究和生产设施以及位于 Santena 的全球研究与技术中心,在那里他们可以亲眼目睹 PLI 行业领先产品的开发过程。

  PETRONAS Lubricants International partners with Goodyear Tires Italy

  PETRONAS Lubricants International (PLI), the global lubricants arm of Malaysia’s state-owned energy company PETRONAS, has announced a major partnership with Goodyear Tires Italy. This collaboration will see PLI supply a range of high-performance lubricants and fluids to Goodyear’s expansive SuperService network, which consists of more than 330 tyre service centres across Italy.

  The partnership strengthens Goodyear’s SuperService offering by incorporating PETRONAS’ Syntium lubricants for light vehicles, Urania Green for heavy-duty vehicles, and Tutela OM for transmissions and cooling systems. These products, designed to enhance vehicle performance while minimising environmental impact, represent PLI’s commitment to innovation and sustainability. Notably, the Syntium range will be distributed in Bag-In-Box (BIB) packaging, a practical and environmentally friendly solution that is 100% recyclable.

  The partnership was officially announced at Goodyear’s SuperService Convention in Sardinia, held from 27-29 September. The event was a forum for discussing the future of the automotive industry and showcased the mutual commitment of both companies to driving innovation and delivering superior service to customers.

  Ciro Lupo, business head for Italy & Africa at PLI, expressed excitement about the collaboration: “We are thrilled to partner with Goodyear Tires, a company that shares our vision for excellence and customer satisfaction. This partnership will allow us to further strengthen our presence in the Italian market and deliver the highest quality lubricants to consumers through Goodyear’s impressive network.”

  Marco Prosdocimi, retail director of Goodyear Tires Italy, echoed this sentiment: “We chose PETRONAS Lubricants International as our partner for the SuperService network because they provide top-quality products that enhance vehicle performance. Their approach to multi-service solutions complements our strategy perfectly.”

  In addition to supplying lubricants, PLI will provide SuperService technicians with training and education, ensuring they are well-equipped to offer customers comprehensive and reliable service. The technicians will also have the opportunity to visit PLI’s research and production facilities in Villastellone and the Global Research & Technology Centre in Santena, where they can see first-hand how PLI’s industry-leading products are developed.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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