
 2024-10-11  润滑油信息网
SK Innovation 宣布,通过人工智能 (AI) 和数字化转型 (DT) 技术的整合,韩国最大的炼油厂和化工厂蔚山综合厂取得重大突破。这些创新旨在提高炼油和石化流程的效率和安全性,巩固 SK Innovation 作为智能工厂技术领...

  SK Innovation 宣布,通过人工智能 (AI) 和数字化转型 (DT) 技术的整合,韩国最大的炼油厂和化工厂蔚山综合厂取得重大突破。这些创新旨在提高炼油和石化流程的效率和安全性,巩固 SK Innovation 作为智能工厂技术领导者的地位。

  SK Innovation与当地人工智能公司合作,开发了全球首个“AI IRIS无损检测自动评估解决方案”,通过提高准确性和减少检查时间,彻底改变了热交换器等关键设备的检查。该人工智能技术检测缺陷的准确率超过 95%,检测时间缩短 90%。这项创新代表了工厂维护和安全方面的重大飞跃。


  SK Innovation 自 2016 年以来一直在实施人工智能和数字技术,并发展成为智能工厂 2.0 计划。该公司专有的资产管理系统 OCEAN-H 在优化工厂运营方面也发挥着至关重要的作用。 OCEAN-H 已经引起了人们的极大兴趣,创造了约 35 亿韩元(260 万美元)的收入,并将其业务扩展到发电、钢铁和电池行业。

  作为韩国第一家将智能工厂系统商业化的炼油厂,SK Innovation 目前的目标是通过与塔塔咨询服务公司 (TCS) 等全球技术公司的合作,将其人工智能驱动的解决方案扩展到国际市场,包括印度尼西亚、泰国、越南和印度。

  SK Ulsan Complex transforms with AI and digital technologies

  SK Innovation has announced a major breakthrough at its Ulsan Complex, Korea’s largest refinery and chemical plant, through the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation (DT) technologies. The innovations are aimed at enhancing efficiency and safety across refining and petrochemical processes, solidifying SK Innovation’s position as a leader in smart plant technology.

  In collaboration with local AI firms, SK Innovation has developed the world’s first “AI IRIS Non-Destructive Testing Automatic Evaluation Solution,” which revolutionises the inspection of critical equipment, such as heat exchangers, by improving accuracy and reducing inspection times. This AI technology boasts more than 95% accuracy in detecting defects, cutting inspection time by 90%. This innovation represents a significant leap forward in plant maintenance and safety.

  SK Innovation has been implementing AI and digital technologies since 2016, evolving into its Smart Plant 2.0 initiative. The company’s proprietary asset management system, OCEAN-H, also plays a crucial role in optimising plant operations. OCEAN-H has already garnered significant interest, generating approximately KRW3.5 billion (USD2.6 million) in revenue, and expanding its reach into power generation, steel, and battery industries.

  As Korea’s first refinery to commercialise smart plant systems, SK Innovation is now aiming to expand its AI-driven solutions into international markets, including Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and India, through partnerships with global technology firms such as Tata Consultancy Services (TCS).

(来源:F&L Asia)




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