2024 年 8 月欧盟燃料和润滑油价格下降 6.1%

 2024-10-16  润滑油信息网
自 2020 年以来,欧盟 (EU) 的燃油和润滑油价格经历了剧烈波动,主要原因是新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情和俄罗斯持续入侵乌克兰。根据欧盟统计局2024年10月8日发布的最新报告,在2022年达到历史新高后,价格出现了大幅波动,...

  自 2020 年以来,欧盟 (EU) 的燃油和润滑油价格经历了剧烈波动,主要原因是新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情和俄罗斯持续入侵乌克兰。根据欧盟统计局2024年10月8日发布的最新报告,在2022年达到历史新高后,价格出现了大幅波动,2023年和2024年出现明显下降。



  2022 年 6 月,个人交通燃油价格达到最高点,通胀率达到 +39.2%。然而,到2023年6月,年通胀率已降至-15.7%,价格下降的趋势一直持续到2024年。2024年8月,燃油和润滑油价格比上年下降6.1%,表明2024年之后进一步企稳。过去几年经历的极端波动。


  该报告强调,柴油和汽油的价格也呈现波动模式。 2024 年 8 月,柴油价格比 2023 年 8 月下降了 7.4%,汽油价格下降了 5.5%。虽然 2020 年至 2023 年初期间汽油价格的涨幅通常高于柴油,但从 2021 年 9 月至 2023 年 3 月,柴油价格的涨幅超过了汽油。 2024 年 6 月至 8 月,柴油涨幅再次高于汽油。


  到 2024 年 8 月,24 个欧盟国家报告燃料和润滑油价格出现负年变化率。其中,瑞典降幅最大,为-20.7%,其次是比利时(-8.9%)和斯洛伐克(-8.4%)。另一方面,马耳他没有变化,而罗马尼亚(+2.4%)和爱尔兰(+4.0%)的价格则上涨。



  近年来燃料和润滑油价格的波动凸显了全球重大事件对通胀的影响,特别是疫情和乌克兰冲突。然而,到 2024 年,出现了趋于稳定的趋势,整个欧盟的月度价格变化较小。该数据来自消费者价格协调指数(HICP),凸显出虽然波动性可能有所放缓,但市场对外部经济状况仍然敏感。


  EU fuel and lubricant prices down 6.1% in August 2024

  Fuel and lubricant prices across the European Union (EU) have experienced sharp volatility since 2020, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. According to Eurostat’s latest report released on October 8, 2024, after reaching record highs in 2022, the prices have seen significant fluctuations, with a marked drop in 2023 and 2024.

  Eurostat is the statistical office of the EU, responsible for providing high-quality statistical information to support the decision-making processes of EU institutions, national governments, and other stakeholders. It operates under the European Commission and plays a crucial role in collecting, analysing, and publishing data from EU member states, allowing comparisons between countries and regions.

  In June 2022, fuel prices for personal transport hit their highest point, with inflation peaking at +39.2%. However, by June 2023, the annual inflation rate had dropped to -15.7%, and the trend of lower prices has continued into 2024. In August 2024, fuel and lubricant prices were 6.1% lower than the previous year, indicating a further stabilisation after the extreme fluctuations experienced over the past few years.

  Diesel versus petrol trends

  The report highlights that the price of diesel and petrol has also followed volatile patterns. In August 2024, diesel prices were 7.4% lower, and petrol prices 5.5% lower than in August 2023. While petrol prices typically increased more than diesel between 2020 and early 2023, diesel prices outpaced petrol from September 2021 to March 2023. However, in June through August 2024, diesel once again experienced higher increases than petrol.

  Country-specific price drops

  By August 2024, 24 EU countries reported negative annual rates of change in fuel and lubricant prices. Among them, Sweden saw the steepest decline at -20.7%, followed by Belgium (-8.9%) and Slovakia (-8.4%). On the other end, Malta recorded no change, while Romania (+2.4%) and Ireland (+4.0%) experienced a rise in prices.

  This variability among member states reflects differing national policies and external influences. For instance, fuel prices in Malta have been regulated since 2020, which has led to stable pricing despite external market fluctuations.

  Looking ahead

  The volatility in fuel and lubricant prices in recent years underscores the impact of major global events on inflation, particularly the pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine. However, in 2024, there has been a trend towards stabilisation, with smaller monthly price variations reported across the EU. The data, sourced from the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), highlights that while volatility may have slowed, the market remains sensitive to external economic conditions.

  For more detailed data on fuel and lubricant prices and other inflation indicators, visit Eurostat’s official website.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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