Licella 与壳牌联手开发低碳生物燃料解决方案

 2024-10-22  润滑油信息网
Licella 宣布与壳牌催化剂与技术公司建立战略合作伙伴关系,共同开发可持续生物燃料的新商业途径,重点关注可持续航空燃料 (SAF)。此次合作旨在通过创建一种经济有效且可扩展的解决方案,将生物质转化为先进的生物燃料,满足全球对 SAF 日...

  Licella 宣布与壳牌催化剂与技术公司建立战略合作伙伴关系,共同开发可持续生物燃料的新商业途径,重点关注可持续航空燃料 (SAF)。此次合作旨在通过创建一种经济有效且可扩展的解决方案,将生物质转化为先进的生物燃料,满足全球对 SAF 日益增长的需求。


  此次合作将 Licella 的 Cat-HTR™ 技术(一种先进的水热液化平台)与壳牌的加氢处理专业知识相结合。 Licella 的 Cat-HTR™ 将农业残留物和其他形式的生物质转化为可再生的生物原油,而壳牌催化剂与技术则将生物原油升级为精炼的低碳燃料。该联盟使两家公司能够降低 SAF 生产成本并促进全球可持续燃料的采用。

  新工艺还响应了航空业到 2050 年实现净零碳排放的承诺,提供了利用其他技术通常无法获得的可再生农业废物和残留物的机会。

  该项目包括多个生物精炼项目的计划,其中包括 Licella 即将在澳大利亚昆士兰州开展的计划。壳牌将带头努力为所生产的 SAF 获得认证,以促进全球可扩展性。由于航空业面临着转向更可持续燃料选择的压力,此次合作为缩小需求与生产之间的差距提供了一个有前途的解决方案。

  Licella 执行主席 Len Humphreys 强调了 Cat-HTR™ 平台能够转化其他技术难以处理的原料。 “我们很高兴与壳牌催化剂与技术公司合作开发全球商业生物质转化为生物燃料的解决方案。我们颠覆性的 Cat-HTR™ 平台的灵活性和效率使我们能够瞄准其他技术无法获得的原料,并使我们能够改变全球先进的生物燃料格局。”Humphreys 说道。

  Licella 首席执行官艾伦·尼科尔 (Alan Nicholl) 将此次合作描述为推进可持续燃料选择的关键一步。他表示:“随着我们与澳大利亚和世界各地的合作伙伴迅速推进令人兴奋的机会,此次合作将加速我们提供领先的低成本、低碳、全球 SAF 解决方案的努力。”

  通过将我们在加氢处理方面的专业知识与 Licella 在该领域的创新技术相结合,我们的合作旨在以经济的方式推进可持续低碳燃料的商业规模生产。”壳牌催化剂与技术总裁 Elise H. Nowee 说道。

  Licella and Shell join forces to develop low-carbon biofuels solution

  Licella has announced a strategic partnership with Shell Catalysts & Technologies to develop a new commercial pathway for sustainable biofuels, focusing on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). This collaboration aims to address rising global demand for SAF by creating a cost-effective and scalable solution for converting biomass into advanced biofuels.

  The partnership combines Licella’s Cat-HTR™ technology, an advanced hydrothermal liquefaction platform, with Shell’s hydroprocessing expertise. Licella’s Cat-HTR™ converts agricultural residues and other forms of biomass into renewable biocrude, while Shell Catalysts & Technologies will upgrade the biocrude into refined, low-carbon fuels. This alliance positions the companies to reduce SAF production costs and promote sustainable fuel adoption globally.

  The new process also responds to the aviation sector’s commitment to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, offering an opportunity to tap into renewable agricultural waste and residues that are often inaccessible with other technologies.

  The project includes plans for multiple biorefinery projects, including Licella’s upcoming initiative in Queensland, Australia. Shell will lead the effort to obtain certification for the SAF produced, facilitating global scalability. With the aviation sector under pressure to transition to more sustainable fuel options, the collaboration offers a promising solution to close the gap between demand and production.

  Len Humphreys, executive chairman of Licella, highlighted the Cat-HTR™ platform’s capability to convert feedstock that other technologies struggle to process. “We are excited to be partnering with Shell Catalysts & Technologies to develop a global commercial biomass-to-biofuels solution. The flexibility and efficiency of our disruptive Cat-HTR™ platform enables us to target the feedstocks that other technologies can’t access, and positions us to transform the advanced biofuels landscape globally,” said Humphreys.

  Alan Nicholl, CEO of Licella, described the partnership as a critical step in advancing sustainable fuel options. “The collaboration will accelerate our efforts to deliver a leading low-cost, low-carbon, global SAF solution, as we rapidly advance exciting opportunities with partners both here in Australia and across the world,” he said.

  By combining our expertise in hydroprocessing with Licella’s innovative technology in this field, our collaboration aims to advance the production of sustainable, low-carbon fuels on a commercial scale economically,” said Elise H. Nowee, president of Shell Catalysts & Technologies.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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