
 2024-10-23  润滑油信息网
国际能源署(IEA)在巴黎总部外开设了首个办事处,标志着其与东南亚的合作进入了新阶段。 IEA区域合作中心在新加坡国际能源周期间揭牌,IEA执行董事法提赫·比罗尔博士、新加坡副总理颜金勇和其他高级官员出席了仪式。新加坡新办事处旨在通过在可再...

  国际能源署(IEA)在巴黎总部外开设了首个办事处,标志着其与东南亚的合作进入了新阶段。 IEA区域合作中心在新加坡国际能源周期间揭牌,IEA执行董事法提赫·比罗尔博士、新加坡副总理颜金勇和其他高级官员出席了仪式。





  尽管该地区制定了雄心勃勃的碳中和目标,但 IEA 警告称,除非采取果断行动,否则东南亚的能源需求预计到 2050 年将增长 60% 以上,并且将继续依赖化石燃料。新中心旨在提供重要指导,帮助各国提高能源效率、扩大可再生能源发电并采用低排放燃料。


  新加坡和 IEA 有着长期的合作关系,新加坡于 2016 年作为联系国加入 IEA。多年来,通过新加坡-IEA 区域中心和新加坡-IEA 部长级论坛等举措,合作不断扩大,促进了政策交流和知识共享。

  能源市场管理局 (EMA) 首席执行官潘国强 (Puah Kok Keong) 强调了这种持久的伙伴关系:“巩固国际能源署在该地区的影响力是新加坡深化与国际合作伙伴合作的一部分,旨在为新加坡创造一个更清洁、更有弹性和可持续的能源未来。全部。”

  国际能源署成立于 1974 年,已从主要关注石油安全发展到涵盖广泛的能源问题,包括清洁能源技术、电力市场和可持续能源的获取。国际能源署继续在全球能源转型中发挥关键作用,提供数据、政策建议和实际解决方案。

  IEA opens Singapore office to boost energy collaboration in ASEAN

  The International Energy Agency (IEA) has opened its first-ever office outside of its Paris headquarters, marking a new phase in its collaboration with Southeast Asia. The IEA Regional Cooperation Centre was inaugurated during the Singapore International Energy Week, attended by IEA Executive Director Dr. Fatih Birol, Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Gan Kim Yong, and other senior officials.

  The new office in Singapore aims to enhance the IEA’s partnerships with ASEAN nations and beyond by providing policy support, technical assistance, training, and capacity-building in renewables, clean energy technology, and cross-border power trade. The centre will also work on improving access to finance for clean energy investments, helping countries meet energy security and emission reduction targets.

  The office reflects Singapore’s and the IEA’s shared vision to promote regional energy resilience. Singapore’s Second Minister for Trade and Industry, Dr. Tan See Leng, noted the significance of the collaboration: “This partnership will catalyse the advancement of the ASEAN Power Grid and strengthen financing mechanisms to accelerate energy transitions.”

  Navigating energy challenges and opportunities

  Despite ambitious carbon neutrality goals across the region, the IEA warns that energy demand in Southeast Asia is projected to grow by more than 60% by 2050, with continued reliance on fossil fuels unless decisive action is taken. The new centre aims to provide critical guidance to help countries enhance energy efficiency, expand renewable energy generation, and adopt low-emissions fuels.

  Birol highlighted the importance of the new office: “The opening of the IEA’s new office in Singapore is an historic moment for the IEA and signals a step change in our relationship with Southeast Asia. We look forward to working much more closely with all the countries in this dynamic and fast-growing region, whose influence over global energy trends is markedly increasing.”

  Singapore and the IEA have a long-standing relationship, with Singapore joining the IEA as an association country in 2016. Over the years, the collaboration has expanded through initiatives such as the Singapore-IEA Regional Hub and the Singapore-IEA Ministerial Forum, fostering policy exchanges and knowledge sharing.

  Chief Executive of the Energy Market Authority (EMA), Puah Kok Keong, highlighted the enduring partnership: “Anchoring the IEA’s presence in the region is part of Singapore’s efforts in deepening cooperation with international partners towards a cleaner, more resilient and sustainable energy future for all.”

  Founded in 1974, the International Energy Agency has evolved from focusing primarily on oil security to covering a broad spectrum of energy issues, including clean energy technologies, electricity markets, and access to sustainable energy. The IEA continues to play a crucial role in global energy transitions, providing data, policy recommendations, and real-world solutions.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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