bp 将剥离美国陆上风电资产,将重点转向可再生能源领域的 Lightsource bp

 2024-09-27 发布人:F&L Asia
英国石油公司宣布计划剥离其美国陆上风能业务,旨在精简其投资组合并专注于更高价值的资产,这是一项战略举措。该业务包括 10 个运营中的风电场,总净发电量为 1.3 吉瓦 (GW)。该决定符合 bp 的更广泛战略,即巩固其全球太阳能子公司 Li...

  英国石油公司宣布计划剥离其美国陆上风能业务,旨在精简其投资组合并专注于更高价值的资产,这是一项战略举措。该业务包括 10 个运营中的风电场,总净发电量为 1.3 吉瓦 (GW)。该决定符合 bp 的更广泛战略,即巩固其全球太阳能子公司 Lightsource bp 旗下的陆上可再生能源开发项目。



  此次撤资之际,英国石油公司继续致力于成为一家更加专注的能源公司,重点关注太阳能和风能等低碳能源。 2023年,bp宣布决定完全控股全球太阳能开发的关键参与者Lightsource bp。 bp 对 Lightsource bp 的关注是其满足日益增长的低碳电力需求并协助客户实现运营脱碳的努力的一部分。

  bp 天然气和低碳能源执行副总裁 William Lin 表示,“bp Wind Energy 的资产质量高且已并网,但与我们 Lightsource bp 的增长计划不符。因此,我们相信该业务可能对另一位所有者具有更大的价值。

  bp to divest U.S. onshore wind assets, shifts focus to Lightsource bp for renewables

  In a strategic move aimed at streamlining its portfolio and focusing on higher-value assets, bp has announced plans to divest its U.S. onshore wind energy business. The business includes 10 operational wind farms with a total net generating capacity of 1.3 gigawatts (GW). The decision aligns with bp’s broader strategy to consolidate its onshore renewable power developments under Lightsource bp, its global solar power subsidiary.

  The assets are spread across seven U.S. states and include wind farms in Indiana, Kansas, South Dakota, Colorado, and Hawaii. bp has indicated that the sale process for these assets will commence shortly, with the intention of selling the business as an integrated entity. The company expects the new owner to also take on the existing workforce, ensuring continuity of operations.

  This divestment comes as bp continues its journey toward becoming a more focused energy company, with an emphasis on low-carbon energy sources like solar and wind. In 2023, bp announced its decision to take full control of Lightsource bp, a key player in global solar development. bp’s focus on Lightsource bp is part of its efforts to meet the growing demand for low-carbon power and assist customers in decarbonising their operations.

  According to William Lin, bp’s executive vice president for Gas and Low Carbon Energy, “bp Wind Energy’s assets are high-quality and grid-connected but are not aligned with our plans for growth in Lightsource bp. So we believe the business is likely to be of greater value for another owner.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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