嘉实多与 Slicker Recycling 合作促进英国循环石油管理

 2024-10-21  润滑油信息网
嘉实多宣布与 Slicker Recycling 建立新的合作伙伴关系,以在英国推广废油管理的循环方法。此次合作旨在通过从客户处收集废油、重新精炼并将其作为基础油返回市场来增强可持续性。该计划目前正在作为汽车和工业客户的试点项目运行。该合作...

  嘉实多宣布与 Slicker Recycling 建立新的合作伙伴关系,以在英国推广废油管理的循环方法。此次合作旨在通过从客户处收集废油、重新精炼并将其作为基础油返回市场来增强可持续性。该计划目前正在作为汽车和工业客户的试点项目运行。

  该合作伙伴关系使用数字油箱遥测技术来管理整个过程,通过自动化废油收集过程来简化客户的润滑油管理。然后,这些油被运输到 Slicker Recycling 位于丹麦的基础油再精炼厂,该工厂与 Avista AG 合作运营。


  Slicker Recycling 执行主席 Mark Olpin 评论道:“我们非常自豪能够与嘉实多这样受人尊敬的全球品牌合作,并支持他们推动循环利用。这是一个非常令人兴奋的计划,我们相信这在英国尚属首例。这些经验教训将有助于我们了解如何以更可持续的方式收集和处理废油。”

  嘉实多欧洲首席执行官韦斯纳·迪·托马索 (Vesna Di Tomasso) 补充道:“我们知道我们的客户关注可持续发展,并正在寻找减少浪费和更加循环利用的方法。该试点项目将帮助我们与客户一起测试更加循环的润滑油生命周期。”

  此前,Slicker Recycling 荣获著名的 2024 年国王企业奖,表彰其在可持续发展和海外贸易增长方面的卓越表现。

  Castrol and Slicker Recycling partner to promote circular oil management in UK

  Castrol has announced a new partnership with Slicker Recycling to promote a circular approach to used oil management in the UK. This collaboration aims to enhance sustainability by collecting used oil from customers, re-refining it, and returning it to the market as base oil. The initiative is currently running as a pilot programme for both automotive and industrial customers.

  The partnership uses digital tank telemetry to manage the entire process, simplifying lubricant management for customers by automating the used oil collection process. The oil is then transported to Slicker Recycling’s base oil re-refinery in Denmark, operated in conjunction with Avista AG.

  Mark Olpin, executive chairman of Slicker Recycling, commented: “We’re extremely proud to partner with such a respected global brand like Castrol and support them in driving circularity. It’s a hugely exciting scheme which we believe is a first in the UK. The learnings will help inform how we collect and process used oil in a more sustainable way.”

  Vesna Di Tomasso, CEO of Castrol Europe, added: “We know our customers are focussed on sustainability and are looking for ways to reduce waste and become more circular. This pilot will help us test a more circular lubricant lifecycle with our customers.”

  This announcement follows the news of Slicker Recycling receiving the prestigious 2024 King’s Award for Enterprise, recognising its excellence in sustainable development and growth in overseas trade.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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