沙特阿拉伯考虑投资 BPCL 的新炼油厂项目

 2024-10-21  润滑油信息网
沙特阿拉伯正在讨论投资巴拉特石油公司 (BPCL) 正在开发的一个新炼油厂项目,这是该国对印度 1000 亿美元投资战略的一部分。一位高级政府官员表示,该倡议符合沙特阿拉伯在印度勘探绿地项目和战略石油储备的雄心。BPCL 正处于规划新炼油厂...

  沙特阿拉伯正在讨论投资巴拉特石油公司 (BPCL) 正在开发的一个新炼油厂项目,这是该国对印度 1000 亿美元投资战略的一部分。一位高级政府官员表示,该倡议符合沙特阿拉伯在印度勘探绿地项目和战略石油储备的雄心。

  BPCL 正处于规划新炼油厂的初步阶段,旨在满足印度不断增长的能源需求。该项目的地点尚未最终确定,BPCL 和沙特官员之间的技术讨论正在进行中。截至本文发布时,BPCL 尚未就相关进展做出回应。



  印度石油部长潘卡吉·贾恩(Pankaj Jain)9月会见了沙特能源部长和沙特阿美公司官员,重点讨论了石油和天然气领域的合作。随着印度努力扩大炼油能力以满足不断增长的国内需求,对新炼油厂的投资可能会发挥至关重要的作用。

  据报道,BPCL 正在考虑建设一座年产量 1200 万吨 (MMTPA) 的炼油厂,预计成本为 5000 亿印度卢比(59.5 亿美元)。虽然该项目的时间表和确切地点尚未确定,但媒体报道称安得拉邦和北方邦正在被考虑作为潜在地点。

  BPCL 在孟买、科钦和比纳运营炼油厂,并宣布计划在未来五年内在炼油、石化和清洁能源等核心领域投资 17 亿印度卢比(202.3 亿美元)。

  Saudi Arabia eyes investment in BPCL’s new refinery project

  Saudi Arabia is in discussions to invest in a new refinery project being developed by Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL), marking part of the kingdom’s larger USD100 billion investment strategy for India. The initiative aligns with Saudi Arabia’s ambitions to explore greenfield projects and strategic petroleum reserves in India, according to a senior government official.

  BPCL is in the preliminary stages of planning the new refinery, aimed at meeting India’s growing energy demand. The location for the project is yet to be finalised, and technical discussions between BPCL and Saudi officials are ongoing. A response from BPCL regarding the developments was not available at the time of publication.

  In 2019, Saudi Arabia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with India, outlining a USD100 billion investment plan across sectors including agriculture, infrastructure, manufacturing, and energy, though the investment has yet to fully materialise.

  India’s Petroleum Secretary Pankaj Jain met with Saudi energy ministers and officials from Saudi Aramco in September, focusing on cooperation in the oil and gas sector. With India pushing to expand its refining capacity to meet rising domestic demand, this investment in new refineries could play a crucial role.

  BPCL is reportedly considering a 12 million metric tonne per annum (MMTPA) refinery, with an estimated cost of INR50,000 crore (USD5.95 billion). While the timeline and exact location of the project remain undecided, media reports suggest that Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh are being considered as potential sites.

  BPCL operates refineries in Mumbai, Kochi, and Bina, and has announced plans to invest INR1.7 lakh crore (USD20.23 billion) over the next five years across core areas such as oil refining, petrochemicals, and clean energy.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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