ACEA 发布 2024 年重型发动机用油序列

 2024-10-21  润滑油信息网
欧洲汽车制造商协会 (ACEA) 公布了 2024 年重型发动机用油顺序,取代了 2022 年版本。更新的序列反映了发动机技术的进步以及重型车辆污染物排放的严格监管要求。这些新序列对于确保发动机油满足现代重型柴油发动机所需的性能预期和环境标...

  欧洲汽车制造商协会 (ACEA) 公布了 2024 年重型发动机用油顺序,取代了 2022 年版本。更新的序列反映了发动机技术的进步以及重型车辆污染物排放的严格监管要求。这些新序列对于确保发动机油满足现代重型柴油发动机所需的性能预期和环境标准至关重要。


  2024 年 ACEA 机油序列引入了新的发动机机油类别 F01,其特定的粘度要求与现有的 E11-24 机油规格不同。这一新增功能符合制造商提高燃油效率并满足最新欧六排放标准的努力。

  从 2024 年 10 月 15 日开始,石油营销人员可以根据新序列做出性能声明。然而,从 2025 年 10 月 15 日起,2024 年 ACEA 石油序列将成为所有新索赔的强制性要求。遵循先前序列的机油将被逐步淘汰,只有符合最新标准的机油才会留在市场上。

  重型发动机制造商面临着越来越大的压力,需要满足严格的排放法规,同时提供更高的性能。因此,新的 ACEA 油品系列可满足公路和非公路应用的需求,涵盖多种燃料,包括生物柴油。值得注意的是,F01 类别旨在满足使用生物柴油混合物的发动机的高温和剪切稳定性要求。


  随着 2024 年 ACEA 油品序列的推出,油品制造商和分销商将需要更新其产品和营销声明,以符合新标准。随着发动机技术的不断发展,遵守这些顺序对于保持发动机耐用性和确保排放控制系统发挥最佳功能至关重要。


  ACEA releases 2024 Oil Sequences for Heavy-Duty Engines

  The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) has unveiled its 2024 Oil Sequences for Heavy-Duty Engines, replacing the 2022 edition. The updated sequences reflect advancements in engine technology and the stringent regulatory requirements for pollutant emissions in heavy-duty vehicles. These new sequences are essential for ensuring that engine oils meet the performance expectations and environmental standards required by modern heavy-duty diesel engines.

  The 2024 ACEA Oil Sequences introduce a new engine oil category, F01, which has specific viscosity requirements distinct from the existing E11-24 oil specifications. This addition aligns with manufacturers’ efforts to enhance fuel efficiency and meet the latest Euro VI emission standards.

  Starting from 15 October 2024, oil marketers can make performance claims based on the new sequences. However, from 15 October 2025, the 2024 ACEA Oil Sequences will become mandatory for all new claims. Oils adhering to previous sequences will be phased out, and only those meeting the latest standards will remain on the market.

  Heavy-duty engine manufacturers are under increasing pressure to meet stringent emissions regulations while delivering higher performance. As a result, the new ACEA Oil Sequences address both on-highway and off-highway applications, covering a wide range of fuels, including biodiesel. Notably, the F01 category aims to meet high-temperature and shear stability demands for engines using biodiesel blends.

  Moreover, the sequences include tests that simulate real-world conditions, such as engine wear and soot handling, ensuring that oils perform effectively even under harsh operating environments.

  With the introduction of the 2024 ACEA Oil Sequences, oil manufacturers and distributors will need to update their products and marketing claims to comply with the new standards. As engine technology continues to evolve, compliance with these sequences will be essential for maintaining engine durability and ensuring emission control systems function optimally.

  These specifications are particularly important for lubricant manufacturers and marketers in Europe.

(来源:F&L Asia)




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